Monday 22 March 2010


Some kind of therapy is all I need
Please believe me
Some instant remedy that can cure me completely
Corinne Bailey Rae – Trouble Sleeping

I’m too easily agitated in the last few months. Extremely panic with suddenly not working brain. Is this dangerous? Si pacar beberapa kali ngingetin, kalo saya lagi panik itu bener-bener jadi kayak robot korslet, heboh gerak tapi nggak tau mesti ngapain. Yesterday I was disturbed by some kind of probs untill I can’t sleep. Berganti-ganti posisi tidur dengan mata yang nggak bisa merem dengan normal. Saya takut, karena waktu tidur dua hari lalu yang minim banget, harusnya kemaren saya bisa bales dengan tidur yang lebih lama. Apalagi pagi ini bakal ada kehectican baru. The unexpected. Jadilah saya bangun, setiap setengah jam sekali.

But. Me, with panicky –or may I say “fear of can’t sleep when I need it”, get along with a big help from stimulus trigger like : bunch of work-trouble when I have a less break and no one around. Those components combine to create unpleasant feeling that is typically unavoidable. Butuh satu orang selaku mood swinger buat merubah suasana hati dulu, biasanya. Sebenernya masalahnya emang bukan hal besar yang ngeganggu hidup saya terus-terusan. But somehow, the limit is over and the load was overloads for struggling. Ah, pointless grumbling. Let’s start this day!

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