Sunday 14 March 2010

inverse ratio

Being a part of this circle is a joyful experience –sometimes. You can get what you need in a very first place. This kind of perkiness leads me to some pledge that say I’m the first circle to know and arrange this and that. If you talk about passion, well this is it. That’s mine. That’s what I take.

Until I realized evidently that… actually it’s not. The major issue was my passion, but not the part that I take. I came along with this kind of world but I don’t take my ideals part. Hunting this, chasing that, pursuing altogether. The passion was gone along with a forced of seriousness that required, until intimidating my other things. Admittedly, it’s a bit bitter :p

However, inverse-ratio was really common in every job so I blame no one. Passion versus obligation, what will we say? I will miss this circle. The people, the atmosphere in that place, the small meetings in patio, are one of my remarkable experiences. But people, we already know a word called "decision" since we were kids. when we able to choose orange candy than marshmallow that just makes your teeth toooooo sticky!
So, uhm, what will you do if something just really… Overloads?

Leave it? Oh yes dear, I’m with you!


  1. that issue..heheheheee,
    I don't see doubt in your way of seeing to leave it, but as you wrote above, I see a learning. In a particular way, that's the main issue by leaving it. You got nothing to be sorry. :D

  2. right, this issue yang lagi seru-serunya antara gw dan chyka! hehehe. choosing this, and choosing to step over that tarot reader :p

  3. hey, kenangan bukan persimpangan ketika kita berjalan melewatinya dan bingung ke mana harus melangkah. persimpanganyang tertinggal, kenangan adalah modal. dan itu akan menyertaimu kemanapun kamu melangkah. perpisahan memang sulit, tapi lebih sulit biasanya, apa yang terjadi setelah perpisahan itu. kuncinya sih menurut saya, jangan terlalu sulit memilih antara ini dan itu, karena apapun pilihannya, *minumnya teh botol sosro, bukan deng :p, karena apapun pilihanmu, selalu ada konsekuensinya di balik itu. dan setiap orang bisa memilih, tapi gak setiap orang bisa bertanggungjawab atas apa yang dipilihnya.


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