Saturday 2 November 2013


In a big, big way
I am really small
I get off my feet
But I'm still distant
Don't you just love goodbyes?
 [ 156 ]

Photo by @zanoethegainiac
The high-pitch-voice, their song selection especially “Eight Flew Over One Was destroyed” that surprisingly they performed, the confetti, and the right time.


Penantian menonton Jonas Bjerre dkk sekaligus nonton konser yang worth-watching di tahun ini kesampean! Buat saya, band ini berbeda. Ada perasaan emosional setiap kali mendengar namanya (apalagi lagunya) sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Di playlist, di blog, status twitter, list listening Path, lagu-lagu mereka termasuk yang paling sering muncul. 

Setelah Indonesia kedatangan seabreg band beberapa tahun belakangan, saya terbilang pilih-pilih untuk datang demi menjaga keemosionalan menonton konser dan khususnya menjaga kesehatan dompet. Hahaha.

Tapi saat diumumkan dia akan datang (lagi) ke sini, tak perlu waktu lama untuk saya mengisi form pembelian tiket online dan ke ATM menyelesaikan pembayaran. Lima belas menit setelah mendengar kabar, tiket pun sudah digenggaman. Yes, Mew, you are entitled to get my priorities!

Dan konsernya, meski kali ini tanpa visual yang konon jadi ciri khas mereka, but for me those 17 songs was satisfactory! Dear Jonas, I dont feel alright inspite of these comforting sounds you make! (Comforting Sounds – Mew) *pret*  
 If I don't make it back from the city
Then it is only because I am drawn away
For you see, evidently, there's a dark storm come
And the chain on my swing is squeaking like a mouse
[ The Zookeeper Boy ]

Ps: Dear promotor, how about Coldplay?

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